Moving the position of an object across multiple steps can create a realistic reflection of how your models behave and are utilized in the real world. You can edit the position of objects, sub-objects, or a custom group of objects.
Moving object position
The Move Tool is located on the Toolbar and can be used to move your objects in 3D.
To move your selected object horizontally you need to drag the X-axis (red), vertically drag the Y-axis (green), and for depth drag the Z-axis (blue).
Editing object properties
You can edit the exact x,y, or z position properties of an object in the object property panel.
Position properties are in the metric scale, to millimeter detail.
- 1 meter = 1.000
- 1 centimeter = 0.01
- 1 millimeter = 0.001
To edit object properties in JigSpace, follow these steps:
- Ensure you are using the latest version of the JigSpace desktop app and are editing a Jig
- Select a step and the object, sub-object or part you wish to edit
- Click on the “Show properties panel” button in the top right corner of the screen
- Go to “Transformation” and “Position”
- Click inside the x, y, or z field you want to edit
- Enter a new number.
You will need a paid subscription to access advanced editing tools.
Desktop hotkeys
To select the move tool press
To 'Snap' an objects movement by degrees hold